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Pet Care

Why should I have my dog groomed?
Most pet owners confuse "grooming" with "clipping."  Clipping (which is commonly done to poodles, spaniels, terriers, as well as mixed breed dogs), is only one procedure in the grooming process.  Groomings also include combing and brushing, cutting nails and plucking hair from ears.  Although the most obvious result of these procedures is an improved appearance, the major benefits to your pet are increased comfort and social acceptability, and perhaps even improved health.
Do all dogs need grooming?
All dogs need an occasional bath, but it is more important to keep your dog combed and brushed, especially if your dog has long hair.  Matted hair can easily cause skin problems and unnecessary discomfort for your pet.  If neglected for too long, it might eventually necessitate a lengthy grooming session, which could be uncomfortable for your pet and expensive for you.  Regular brushing on the other hand, improves your dog's skin tone and circulation, and makes the coat healthier and more attractive.

169 West Portal Avenue  |  San Francisco, CA 94127  |  (415)661-8333